I am lured away from your Lotus feet
By a great disturbance.
Turbulent thoughts descend
Like a flock of birds startled by a barking dog
Flying into a window pane, shattering it.
Brightly feathered flocks of thoughts whiz by
I reach to catch some in my net
And forget our date for holy communion.
Shards of glass cut my skin
Crimson blood runs wetly
My net is full of noisy birds
Peace has flown.
I need to call the glazier.
What say you, God?
When your daughter bleeds
Upon your feet in sorrow?
When she’s forgotten who she is and
What she really knows?
What say you, God?
I’m not the body, I’m not the mind
Immortal Self I am!
I’ve sung it over and over again
And sometimes believe it.
Yet, these cacophonous birds
Fly wildly, demanding my attention.
It’s easy to identify with them
Take on their beaks and feathers,
And rise into the sky to soar
Amongst their winged brethren.
What say you, God?
If your daughter flies into the night
On whispering wings like an owl
forgetting who she is?
Is she not still part of your great plan
Cosmic design and purpose?
Or would you give her a good talking to?
What say you, God?
I am not these thoughts that flit and fly
I know this to be true.
Exhausted, I lay down my net.
Sit under the peach tree and
Lift my face to the golden rays of dawn.
The sun dries my tears into salt-tracks on my cheeks
Breath deeply, daughter of god. Inhale Life.
Exhale the Sacred Mantra
Hums over my tongue and lips
And reverberates in my soul.
Bird-like thoughts sail quietly by
Like geese into the purple horizon.
They are distant and beautiful, mine no more.
Flying away seeking other takers.
What say you, God
When you daughter sits
And sings a holy mantra?
Once again at your Lotus feet
And has kept our date for communion?
Will you fill her cup and bind her wounds?
Remove the arrows shot by her own mistakes?
It’s all for good, It’s all for God
It’s all for Her Glory,
Mine is the path of Faith
To be kind and pray
To love and cry
And maybe fly-
All in a state of Grace.