Friday, May 28, 2010

Ocean Break

There’s magic in the surf and sand
And scrabbling little crabs
And shells
Distilled delight bubbles forth
Pops the cork on bottled joy.
Children screech as Ocean’s first
Chilly waves touch their feet.
All is a new discovery
Shore birds and plants greet us with
Foreign plumage, song and petal.
The very sky is colored with a different paint box.
Here on the edge of land
Mother Nature is our playmate
In rolling waves and endless offerings
Of treasure tossed upon her shores;
A child emptying her toy box to entice a friend
Refreshed each morning with the tide.
My husband and I are children, too.
Lines of stress erased
Carried off in ocean breezes
Laughter rises easily.
Nothing is so bad.
Little crabs duck into their holes
Darting sideways, evading.
They cannot hide from us who are
Inspired and magnanimous in our
Relaxed expansion.


  1. Ahhh, yes. That's how I remember it, too! I'm so glad you had a chance to relax on a blanket of crystals!

  2. Linda! Hey lady!!
    Yeah, it was awesome. Already making plans to go again. Of course, Xander is making plans to get a job and move there. But that's a story for the blog. :)
    Glad you dropped by to read.
    Hugs, ~C.


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