Across the eons of human history every culture has dreamed up its version of a dragon. No matter what other attributes may belong to any type of dragon, they are always fierce, loyal and very wise. Some cultures revered dragons as the possessors of the most noble and worthy traits while others pinned all their darkest imaginings onto them making them the vessel the carry weak men's fear and loathing.
To my way of thinking the dragon is one of the best incarnations ever dreamed up by human-kind. Inherently magical beings, dragons live in the Earth, fly through the Air, swim in Water, breathe Fire and are created from Spirit. It is from this all-encompassing Being-ness that dragons have captured my heart and are my primary symbol for living a life that is imbued with fearless integrity and undiminished spirituality.
My home is a lair. Dragons are perched in every imaginable shape and color from any surface that will hold them. They are the subjects of framed art hanging on the walls and they wrap themselves around teapots and cookie jars in my kitchen. They linger behind flowers in the garden. Wherever you look, there will be a dragon looking back at you with a gleam in his or her eye.
But this blog is not about dragons themselves. It is based on the Dragon's Eye View - what would something look like from many perspectives? If I take something and turn it over and over, viewing it from the inside out and in all manner of light and underwater and in the silver-tone light of the moon, what would it look like then? If I could sit in every position around an issue and see it from that place...I could operate with more compassion and empathy for my fellows.
This is a blog about Truth and stating it -- but not defending it. It's about exploration and expansion; about being fierce and fearless to knock over perceptions and ideas that are generated in by the single dimension mind that lives in a vaccum. It's about abandoning cherished opinions in favor of knowing something more richly.
If there are fifteen people in a room and each one states their version of the truth, puts it out there for all to see, then we collectively begin to paint a picture of something that is indescribable and unknowable. Staying fluid in my thinking and avoiding what one of my friends calls "hardening of the categories" has become a fountain of youth for me. One interesting thing about moving fluids - they carve deep channels. What was once a shallow brook moving quickly over the gemstone rocks becomes a deep river when it opens itself to accept new waters. Deep rivers move with resonate inevitability over the gems removing particles and revealing the gleaming truths therein.
I regularly take part in a group that meets every Saturday AM called The Church of What's Happening NOW. The Church of Now has one underlying goal - to bring our varied interpretations and experiences of the Presence into unity. Wow!
So here in this space I'll try to share about the truth as I learn to recognize it resonating around me in so many forms. At the very least it will be an honest accounting of my attempt to "get it." Some days that's all a person can ask; to see like a dragon would - from above, below, inside and through. This is a quest to Know.
Vignettes and poems and maybe even a novel excerpt or two will make its way to this blog. I am looking forward to sharing with you and I hope you will feel free to post your own ideas and thoughts, too!
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! Looking forward to reading more, and thank you for creating this blog. Are we likely to see any poems?
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! So happy for you. You rock. It’s official. Oh, wait--I think it already was official. KEEP WRITING!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCassi I've missed reading your words!! I love the blogs! It touched my heart, because it's been such a long time since I've seen all those dragon faces at your home. Keep writing, because those of us whose nests are further away, use it as an excuse to spend time in your presence and bathe in your light. Namaste beautiful friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ladies! I really appreciate your support and love!! Guess we'll just see where this little Blogging adventure takes us, eh?
ReplyDeleteAll love and light!
Cass, indeed a woman after my own heart. I have been 'dragon' for decades now (long story) and I too have a home with dragons in residence - high and low, sharing their magic.
ReplyDeletebright blessings,
Dragon-women, unite! :) I know that I am going to have to visit now!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention in this essay that I have three dragons tattooed on my skin! Been plotting about where another one could go. Hmmmm.
Thanks for dropping by, Mariah!