Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolution

So, I am declaring it here - for whomever to see - that my 2011 New Year's resolution is to write and post at least one poem/week for the whole year.
I do hope some of them are brilliant. I fully expect some of them to be rough and in need of reworking. But the point here is to JUST DO IT! Yeah, like Nike.
I am looking forward to the challenge and the ways that it will  help me grow into an art form that I really appreciate. Who knows? Maybe poems are the way for me, and novels will come later when I have more time.
Many blessings to all of us in the New Year. May our hearts be glad and our hands be offered up in service to a greater good.

All love, Cassandra

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I join in with similar resolution, to write on my blog once a week or at least 3 times a month. For similar reasons: to keep my creative juices going and also to give myself an excuse to create little pretty things and to write about it.


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