Friday, February 4, 2011

Week Five Poem: Underage

The beat of that song,
You know the one...
Transports me; a time machine
Eighteen and sneaking into clubs
To hear the band
And dance with abandon
Throw myself up to the beat of hot and sweaty drummer
And electric guitar player who is kinda cute.
The doormen knowingly wink as I show them
A false ID
A pretty girl who will dance all night long
In their club is a good thing
Worth the risk of the enforcers
A young lithe body gyrating makes men thirsty and
Helps everyone ignore the peeling paint and stale beer smell
A pretty girl
Twenty-seven years later
Is she still there inside me?
I hear the opening beat of that song
And know
Part of me will be eighteen forever
A rock-n-roll heart is hungry and
Calls over and over
It never grows old.

I think I’ll get a new tattoo.

Something for fun, folks. I've been a tad too serious of late. ~Cass 


  1. How fun this one is! And yes! I think that 18 year old always lurks within just waiting for an opportunity to show itself once again. Love it.

  2. Maybe we can get tattoos together! <3 What would Dad say? ;)


Comments are welcome. Please remember their are actual humans with feelings on the other end...civility is required.