Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week Six Poem: Tea with Demons

Tea  with Demons

Ambushed by
Ghostly demons thought long beaten
A warrior Goddess
Licks the wounds of ancient battles,
Forgetting they are healed-over
No longer bleeding.

Unable to muster the strength
to push aside these
Legions she herself has armed with careful cultivation;
The products of love denied—
She is broken.

An ally comes to aid, holds her hand, dries her tears,
And lifts her chin so she may see the stars,
And gently suggests Surrender
 As a path to Peace.
“No reason to fear.” She says.
“Have faith.
Pin Hope to a white flag and wave it high!
What do you have to lose?”

Have tea with the demons? Give up the fight?
These abandoned children of an aching heart are hungry
They will swallow her whole.
But she is already consumed.
What does she have to lose?
And whom does she suppose is losing?

The Warrior Goddess bravely sets the table
And feeds them on the good china
Discuss the details of surrender…
Love without condition.
Faith – not fear.
Live in Truth.
Brew up Compassion Tea,
Pour into a cup and pass it round;
Drink deeply.
Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.

Compassion Tea to toast the terms  
The demons are undone by love
Their teeth pulled out and harmless

Embattled yet victorious
A warrioress emerges
Whole again, marching on,
Sentinels now alerted
To the demons who would come raiding
“Fear not!” the Goddess cries. “I have what you want.”
Compassion Tea in a painted cup,
A potion to quell their thirsting.


  1. Oh sweetie, How open your heart is and the pain there seen so deeply....yet you move through it with the end being compassion, forgiveness, with courage. You amaze me, dear daughter. Your insight and growth, your wisdom and vision. Incredible. I love you. Mom

  2. Thanks, Mom! I learned it from you and Dad! :) I love you, too! <3


Comments are welcome. Please remember their are actual humans with feelings on the other end...civility is required.